IN AN AUDIENCE OF 200 ADULTS, I (Jason) asked, “Does anyone here have a son or daughter who has left the faith?” The response was startling. Almost every couple in the room had a child who had left the faith.

In one sense, as the different couples raised their hands, there was a sense of relief in the group. Parents realized that they weren’t the only ones whose children had “wandered.” It was moving to see these parents share so openly. It also was powerful evidence of the size of the problem.

One older gentleman said, “My son didn’t want anything to do with God after his mother died.” Another woman said, “My daughter came out as a lesbian. And when she did, the church didn’t want anything to do with her. This was the church she grew up in. But because the rejection she received was so harsh, it caused her to doubt everything she believed growing up.”

To my surprise, the stories kept coming. I had planned to teach an entire lesson, but the Holy Spirit had other plans. After hearing such deep-seated pain from so many in the class, I stood before them in silence. Before I could say anything, the sound of sobbing came from a well-dressed man in the back. He was sitting next to his wife, with their hands clinched together. She was tearful as well. I motioned to him, trying to offer some comfort. He raised his head, attempting to gain control, as the group listened in anticipation.

Finding strength, the father finally said, “I didn’t do enough.” The moment he said that, his wife grabbed his hand and tightly brought it to her chest. He quickly sank into his chair and placed his head in his open hands. I gave him some time, then asked what he meant by saying he didn’t do enough.

If you’re desperate to learn about your millennial and you want to find a better and more powerful way to communicate with him or her, then we welcome this opportunity to help reinforce your responsibility to have a strong relationship with your adult child.

Abandoned Faith will empower you to do that. This book is filled with advice from some of the most respected Christian minds to help you understand the worldview of typical millennials and, hopefully, to bridge the gaps that exist between you and your adult child.

It is our prayer that Abandoned Faith will deepen your faith and equip you with the courage you need to become the parent your children (young or old) need you to be.


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