Stand Strong Ministries

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Stand Strong in Your Faith: Live What You Believe with Confidence and Passion

Want to have a confident faith?

The common response when someone asks you how you’re doing is to say, “I’m good.” But what would you say if someone asked you about how your faith was doing? Would you say it’s good? Would you say it is strong? Or weak? Or maybe even nonexistent?

What we (Jason and Alex) have found in our combined forty years of ministry is that most Christians have a defeated faith. Throughout the Bible we are told to “be courageous” and to “stand strong in your faith.” And yet there are many Christians today who are throwing in the towel and giving up altogether. We think this is a shame and unnecessary.

That’s why we felt compelled to write this book. We want to help you not only stand strong in your faith but also do so with great passion and conviction as you impact the lives of those around you. If you feel your faith is not as strong as you would like it to be, know that we are glad you have picked up this book. We are thrilled at the opportunity to take you on this faith workout. Think of this time together like hitting the gym. Before you freak out and toss the book aside—please, hear us out.

As Christians, our entire lives are built on the foundation of faith. Every human being expresses and exercises some form of faith. Yet, for the most part, Christians duck and cover rather than exercise their faith. They’d much rather sit in the pews, watching and hearing from their fellow believers who are working out their faith, rather than work out their own faith. That’s the easy thing to do. But do you really want that for yourself? Don’t you want to have a strong faith that can make a supernatural difference in your life and in the lives of those around you?

We want to help motivate Christians to hit the “faith gym” and start building up their spiritual muscles. The world desperately needs stronger Christians who can step up, motivate, and inspire a whole new generation to stand strong in their faith. But this won’t happen if Christians have a weak and untrained faith. It takes a commitment to build up your faith.

It will take discipline and hard work. But we believe you can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit and by spending time in God’s Word. Much like physical training, you will have good spiritual workouts and not-so-good ones. There will be times when you will have to dig deep to maximize the most of your faith and pull through. But don’t worry; we are here to train alongside of you. Look to us as your spiritual coaches.

In Stand Strong in Your Faith, we walk through some of the most common areas that prevent Christians from having a strong and robust faith. It is our goal to change that. In this book, you will come face-to-face with your fears and doubts, and learn to deal with them according to the Word of God. We will also train you on how to walk in the Holy Spirit, and thus you will gain invaluable insights into how to pray with power, share your faith, and persevere in the midst of hard times.