Sovereign God, Free You: Can Both Be True?

The subject of divine foreknowledge and human free will has been a longstanding and complex issue, often leading to more questions as we delve deeper into understanding it. The question arises: Can humans genuinely possess free will if God possesses omniscience and has a predetermined plan for everything? Or are we simply following a preordained path as glorified robots?

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Why Did God Allow the Lakewood Church Tragedy?

In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, led by Pastor Joel Osteen, it is only natural for us to question why God allows such horrific things to happen on earth. These moments can test our faith and leave us searching for hope and answers. As Christians, we turn to our faith for guidance, finding solace within the pages of the Bible. While the Word of God may not offer immediate solutions or eradicate all forms of suffering, it does impart profound wisdom and hope that can sustain us through our most challenging times.

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Jason Jimenez Jason Jimenez

The Sovereignty of God

Through the periods of church history both philosophers and theologians alike have been unrelenting in their efforts to unravel new clues to the mysteriousness and grandeur of the sovereignty of God and the existence of free will.

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